Tucsokzene lesson
I met Tamara at a Tucsokzene lesson – where else? – 8 years ago. At the time both of us were young mothers trying to find the best and most interesting activity for us and our babies. Tucsokzene was a love at first sight experience! This is how we met and became best friends. Tucsokzene is the beginning and the future of our friendship – we have been organizing the lessons in Hungary since September 2018.
Our goal is to share the magical experience of Tucsokzene with as many happy babies, toddlers and parents as possible at several venues in Hungary.
The most ideal and enjoyable activity for babies, toddlers and their parents.
Tucsokzene means much more than learning musical skills and the sense of rhythm – it also develops a whole range of new skills – among them movement skills and intelligence – which support children`s future development.
Age group; 0-4 years
If you are an English native parent living in Hungary or just enjoy using English in everyday life, join the magical world of Tucsokzene lessons. Come and have fun with us!
Happy Music on every Tuesday at 10:20
Address: MOM Kulturális Központ
1124 Budapest, Csörsz utca 18.